Monday, May 28, 2007

CMLL on Fox Sports Espanol for 5/27/07

CMLL on Fox Sports Espanol
For the show that aired on May 27, 2007

Tigre Metalico, Maximo, Felino           vs          Ephesto, Canek Jr., Pierroth

1st Fall:  Metalico and Ephesto start it off, grappling around. Then Pierroth and Maximo get in and Pierroth starts chopping him, the rudos then get in and start a beat down on the tecnicos. Pierroth pulls in Que Monito and they slap him around a bit. Canek Jr. lariats Felino, Maximo gets more chopping. They kick Tigre together. They start kicking Felino together also, but he makes a comeback as do his partners. Tigre throws Pierroth into the post, Monito jumps on him. They lariat Ephesto, and Maximo gives him a butt bump, Tigre and Maximo pin him together. They do much the same thing to Canek Jr. only no butt bump, Maximo kisses him instead, and Felino suplex's Canek Jr. and they all pin him to win this fall.

More of the interview with Negro Casas, he tells a story of going to an arena, but the promoter tells him his father isn't there yet, and if he doesn't show, he will be punished for it. They ask Negro to take his place, Negro told them  he had no gear, they got him some, and he was real skinny he said but he wrestled Juan Ramirez, but it was all a plan, his father was there, he just wanted him to wrestle. After the commercial he displays the rope belt he use to wear when he was wearing a robe studying in the clergy.

2nd Fall:  When this fall began, Esphesto and Tigre are going at it once again. Tigre gives him a quebradora outside the ring, Maximo drop kicks Canek Jr. a few times, then arm drags Ephesto. Felino and Pierroth shake hands even embrace, but they are soon fighting again. It looked like Felino was going for a Casita but Pierroth low blowed him and pinned him. But the ref immediately Disqualifies Pierroth and gives the win to Felino and his team. Tecnicos win in two straight falls.

Negro displays his bible, and talks about God and religion, saying everything he is and has he is grateful to God because of it. After the commercial Negro says he went back to Panama 5 years later and met his wife again, and brought her back to Mexico. (That would have made her 16).

Ultimo Dragon, Minoru Suzuki, Takayama              vs          Atlantis, Utimo Guerrero, Olimpico

1st Fall: During the insert, Suzuki and Takayama do promo's in Japanese. Dragon and Ultimo start it off. Dragon gets an armbar on Utimo but Suzuki came in and started stomping Ultimo, Dragon took offense and pushed Suzuki. Dragon gave Ultimo a corkscrew head scissors, but Takayama and Suzuki came in and stomping Ultimo. Dragon got upset. Dragon slammed Ultimo and went up but Suzuki and Takayama pulled Ultimo away before Dragon could come off the top rope. Takayama gets Olimpico in a sleeper hold like headlock and submits him. Takayama gives Ultimo a back drop and a knee lift and pins him. The Guerrero mini, Ulty Monito came off the top rope, but Takayama caught him and placed him on the top rope. Suzuki slaps him around.

Tony Rivera talks about his move with Tigre Blanco where he gets catapulted by someone into a silla on someone outside, he calls it the Rivera Driver.

Negro says Lucha Libre has given him alot but has taken alot also, he says he regrets missing anniversaries and birthdays of his daughters, and school events, but if he had it to do all over again he would still go into wrestling, that he doesn't regret.

2nd Fall:  Suzuki begins this one punching away at Ultimo. The Japanese seem more interested in beating than wrestling, Dragon doesn't participate in the beatings. Takayama and Suzuki take turns kicking Ultimo until Takayama misses and hits Suzuki and that begins the comeback for Los Guerreros, Atlantis does a missile drop to Takayama who doesn't sell it, he's bigger than anyone there, but Ulty Monito from outside throws powder in Takayama's face and they all 3 Guerrero's pin him. Atlantis submits Dragon with La Atlantida.

Tigre Blanco talks about his move which is a moonsault from the ropes to the outside, he said it's very difficult, and takes alot of practice and timing. Watch it but don't try it, he says.

Negro's wife Dalys, says he's a great husband and father.

3rd Fall:  A bit of stalling in this fall as just stand around with Dragon still trying to reason with his team mates. Takayama is big, almost the size of Terry Gordy. The Mexican team is beating on Takayama and Suzuki, with kicks and lariats. After Suzuki takes Ultimo's move the headstand in the corner, bronco buster thing, Suzuki looks into the camera and smiles. They do the same thing to Takayama, Dragon is just standing there doing nothing. Dragon does finally start wrestling giving them arm drags and the reverse tope to Ultimo. Suzuki holds Ultimo for Dragon, Takayama tosses him into them but Ultimo moves and he hits Suzuki. The same thing happens with Takayama but Ultimo was making gestures telling Dragon he was going to do that. Olimpico jumps over the top rope onto Suzuki and Takayama but they caught him, Atlantis does one too on top of them. Ulty Monito holds Dragon for Ultimo but Dragon moves and Ultimo kicks the evil monkey. Ultimo power bombs and pins Dragon but Ultimo had his feet on the ropes. Los Gurreros Del Atlantida win. Dragon tells the ref. and now everybody is mad at him, Los Guerreros and his own team mates start beating him down, that's 5 on 1.

Ultimo talks about his move the head stand bronco buster thing which he has named El Veneno Gurrero. (how about just the VG).

Negro talks about the 440 thing, explaining it and saying it basically represents perfection.

When they come back, Los Guerreros are now posing in the ring with Takayama and Suzuki now the best of friends. Having found a common enemy. Ultimo challenges Dragon to a mask vs mask match.

That wraps up the show, and for the first time during the last match they plug a match for next week, they say next week they'll have Mistico, Sagrado, Volador Jr. vs Averno, Memphisto, Ephesto. This matches were pretty good. My reviews are at

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