Monday, August 6, 2007

CMLL on Fox Sports Espanol for 8/5/07

CMLL on Fox Sports Espanol
For the show that aired on Aug. 5, 2007

Sagrado says this is gonna be his year. Misterioso says to beat a good wrestler you need another good wrestler and he is one.

Eclipse, Misterioso II, Shigeo Okumura     vs 
Sagrado, Tony Rivera, Leono

1st Fall:  Starts off slowly with both sides trading moves back and forth. Sagrado does a spring board cross body to Eclipse. Sagrado head scissors him to the outside, and then does a plancha to him from the top to the outside. Rivera does a frog splash to Okumura and pins him. Leono does a corkscrew neck breaker to Misterioso and pins him to win this fall.

We are under the ring with Loco Max.  He lives in what looks like a small apartment. He has a statue of Jesus in his living room, and religious paintings also. These bits all indicate that these guys live a spartan modest life. After the commercial he introduces his 12 year old son and his 5 year old daughter, and his wife who has been with him from the beginning.

2nd Fall:  Misterioso and Leono trade moves to start this fall. Leono head scissors him and gives him an enzuigiri. Eclipse military presses Rivera, but Rivera got out, Eclipse tried a power bomb but Rivera gives him a face buster instead. Rivera then gives Okumura  chest cracker. The 3 rudos then go into a beat down of the tecnicos ganging up on Sagrado. Okumura does a pescado outside to Sagrado. Eclipse does a standing moonsault on Rivera and pins him. Misterioso does a suplex bridge and pins Leono.

El Deseno de Super Nova: he shows off and explains his custome.

Back to Loco Max, he says he believes in dreams, and that dreams can come true, he says he has dreamed many things that have come true. He says lucha libre is a hard life but a good one and has made many of his dreams possible.  His wife Mary and Max talk about how and when they met.

3rd Fall:  The rudos are still into the beat down when this fall gets underway. Okumura does a missile drop kick on Rivera. The tecnicos begin their come back soon after this. The tecnicos do a 3 way tope to all 3 rudos. Rivera does a huricanrana on Misterioso but Okumura kicks him off. Leono does a spring board elbow drop on Okumura's back, but Eclipse breaks up the pin. Sagrado does a moonsault from the top to Eclipse and gets the pin and the win.

Back to Loco Max, his wife's mother didn't want them to get married, but they did anyway. He has his funiture covered in sheets. His son Sullivan says he loves his dad. Max says some day they will understand that everything he does he does for them.

For the CMLL World Heavyweight Title:
Universo 2000(c)              vs                 Dos Caras Jr.

1st Fall:  Starts slow with with Caras working on Universo's legs, then U-2 does likewise. Universo then locks on an STF and submits Caras to win this fall.

The crew gather in the ring and pay a tribute to a fellow crew man that has passed away.

Mas displays his man bag his has strapped around his waist, there he says he has his papers, his money, his "medicine".  His son has one too, packed with a walkman, candy, games.

2nd Fall:  U-2 is still beating down Dos, even gets a quick near fall with a roll up. U-2 sits on him and gets another near fall. Caras begins his come back soon after. Dos locks on an fugiwara arm bar and submits Universo.

El Arte Del Catch: El Cangrejo, which we know as a Boston Crab.

Back to Max, he says his son does a good job of taking care of his sister when he's away. His son says when his dad is wrestling he's happy because that means he's working and that means he can provide for them. Max says without a family you have nothing.

3rd Fall:  Dos does a spring board plancha to Universo who was in the aisle. Universo locks on a surfboard in the ring, but Dos didn't give. Universo then locks on a half crab on Dos, but Dos made the ropes. Dos locks on a version of the camel clutch but U-2 didn't give. Then Universo did a tope to Dos  to the outside. Dos super kicks U-2, but Universo power bombs him and tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes, another near fall with U-2 rolls him up and uses the tights, Universo goes up and does a plancha to him, but Dos rolls through it and gets a near fall on him. Dos does a military press on Universo, but he couldn't do the German suplex as Universo hung onto the ropes, Dos then rolls him up in small package and gets the 3 count and the win. We have a new Champion, Dos Caras Jr. wins the World Title.  Dos credits the people with helping him win.

That wraps up the show, it was pretty good, these matches weren't bad. My reviews are at

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