Sunday, February 10, 2008

CMLL on Fox Sports Espanol for Feb. 8, 2008

CMLL on Fox Sports Espanol
For the show that aired on Feb. 8, 2008.

Hi, I felt sorry for my sad little blog, so I'm adding a review every now and then.

Black Warrior, Sangre Azteca, Ephesto     vs    Maximo, Super Nova, La Mascara

1st Fall:  A lot of stalling and homo comedy on the part of Maximo and Azteca. Then the rest of the rudos get in and start the gang beat down. Super Nova and Maximo are pinned after kicks to the back of their heads.

2nd Fall:  The tecnicos are still getting stomped as this fall begins. Until the comeback of course. Super Nova does a spring board drop kick and a tope. Maximo does butt bumps. Ephesto is pinned after a moonsault by Mascara. Maximo pins Azteca after a butt bump.

3rd Fall:  Warrior clowns around with Que Monito. Super Nova does a moonsault outside to Ephesto. Mascara and Warrior trade near falls. The Tecnicos do planchas inside the ring. Super Nova and Mascara try huricanrana's on Ephesto and Azteca but they reverse the 'rana's roll through them and pin Super Nova and Mascara. Rudo's win.

El Deseno:  Sagrado explains his mask, pretty self explanatory.

Sagrado, Volador Jr., Rey Bucanero    vs    El Hijo De Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, Damian 666.

1st Fall:  Seems to be an edit here, as the Perro's are into a beat down as they pick up this fall. Perrito runs Volador's head into the ringside barrier. Perrito whips Rey with the TV Cables. Sagrado is pinned by Garza. Volador is pinned by Perrito and Hector.

Trivia question was which hairs has Damian won and lost? He lost his hair to La Park, Satanico, Rey Bucanero. He beat for their hair: Heavy Metal, Satanico, Mascara Majica, Bestia Salvaje, Halloween & Zumbido.

2nd Fall:  The Perro's beat down continues for several more minutes until the tecnico come back or course. Sagrado and Volador do Lances Mortal outside to Hector and Damian. Rey rolls up and pins Perrito.

El Arte Del Catch: were La Campana and a Senton.

3rd Fall:  When this fall gets picked up Hector and Rey were already wrestling when Perrito goes into his mad dog act. Damian tries to walk the top rope but crotches himself. Damian got his leg caught in between the ropes, but the tecnicos got him out, wasn't that nice of them? Volador does 'rana's to Hector and Perrito. Sagrado topes Damian but on the tope, Damian impacted on a wooden ringside seat with his shoulder and didn't get back up. The ref takes an slow almost invisible bump from Hector, Rey is then low blowed and pinned by Hector. Perrito unmasked Volador and pinned him. Perro's win! Damian was still down, Perrito and Hector go to take care of him. Perro says they don't want little girls like Mistico anymore, and that this will be their year.

Well that was that. About Average for CMLL.

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