Friday, February 2, 2007

CMLL Galavision for Jan. 15th, 2005

Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:17:01 -0600
Galavision Lucha Libre TV Report
For the show that aired on Jan. 15th, 2005.
This was a 2 hour CMLL show, no AAA this week.


Ricky Marvin, Pantera, Misterioso vs Dr. X, Nitro, & Violencia.

1st Fall: Starts slow with both sides exchanging moves. Misterioso superkicks Nitro and topes him. Pantera does a huricanrana and pins Violencia. And Ricky submits Dr. X.

2nd Fall: Nitro and Ricky exchange hard chops, and Ricky superkicks him. Ricky gives Violencia a flying head scissors. The rudos gang up on Ricky and beat him, then the others. Violencia submits Misterioso to a Boston Crab. Nitro submits Pantera to a standing figure four.

3rd Fall: Ricky superkicks Dr.X. Pantera walks the top rope and armdrags Dr. X, But when X tries the same move, he falls off. Nitro topes Misterioso. Pantera topes Violencia. Ricky tries to do a huricanrana on Dr. X, but X pushes him into a facebuster instead, and submits him for the win.

Arkangel, Mr. Mexico, Loco Max vs Zumbido, Virus, & Alan Stone.

2nd Fall: 1st fall not shown. The rudos are beating down the tecnicos. They all do multiple elbow drops on Virus and pin him. They then gang up and submit Alan Stone together.

3rd Fall: The rudos are beating up Zumbido around ringside and he comes up bleeding. The rudos spend time beating on the tecnicos. Zumbido was gonna do a plancha from the top rope to the floor on Arkangel, but Loco Max jiggled the ropes and Zumbido took a nasty fall to the floor. Stone superkicks Mr. Mexico and topes him. Loco Max then low blows Zumbido and pins him for the win.

Tarzan reminds Damian El Terrible about thier upcoming trios match. Damian says he's not afraid of any of them just bring them on. Tarzan says Ultimo wants them to train hard, Damian then rolls his eyes back in his head and sticks his long pierced tongue out, Tarzan freaks a bit. Damian was just kidding.

Rayo De Jalisco Jr., Canek, Black Warrior vs Tarzan Boy, Hector Garza, & Damian El Terrible.

1st Fall: Canek gives Terrible two flying head scissors then dumps him over the top rope. Rayo slaps Tarzan and clotheslines him. Rayo topes Hector. Warrior does a huricanrana and pins Tarzan. Canek does a suplex on Damian then an elbow drop and pins him.

2nd Fall: Canek does a double flying head scissors/armdrag to Tarzan and Terrible. The rudos try to unmask thier foes. Hector does his moonsault on Canek and pins him. Terrible submits Warrior. And Tarzan does a guillotine leg drop on Rayo and pins him.

3rd Fall: They fight around ringside for a while. Warrior power bombs Tarzan inside. Near fall as Rayo rolls up Hector, but Hector got out. Canek superkicks Tarzan then clotheslines him, then does a military press on him. But Terrible kicks Canek in the stomach and Tarzan falls on Canek and pins him. Terrible does a swanton bomb on Warrior and pins him to win this match for the Furia Del Norte.

They plug that La Mascara is coming.

Momentos Estrelares: Brazo De Oro Jr, & Brazo De Plata Jr. do topes; Dr. X does a tope on Misterioso Jr., and Alan Stone does a tope on him; Negro Casas does his running drop kick in the corner to Dr. Wagner Jr.; Hector Garza does his torneo plancha to LA Park; Hijo Del Santo beating Averno with his camel clutch.

Universo 2000, Mascara Ano 2000, Cien Caras vs Pierroth, Hijo Del Pierroth, & Pierroth Jr.

1st Fall: The Pierroth clan put a beat down on Los Dinamites. This fall doesn't last long. They beat up and submit Ano together. Then they also beat up and submit Universo together to win this fall.

2nd Fall: Pierroth gets his belt and starts whipping Los Capos. But Los Capos make a comeback. Caras hits Pierroth with a box. They get the belt and start whipping Pierroth. Caras and Ano hold up Hijo Del Pierroth, then Universo comes off the top rope doing a senton on him. Caras and Ano pin him. Caras submits Pierroth Jr. to a half Boston Crab. Dinamites win this fall.

3rd Fall: They beat up the Pierroth clan some more. Universo spears Jr. Universo tries to tope Pierroth, but he moves and he winds up topeing La Nazi. Caras and Ano are trying to unmask the Pierroth boys, when Pierroth returns from the back with a baseball bat, and hits Caras and Ano with it. The Pierroths are DQ'd, as they continue the beat down after. Los Dinamites win this match via DQ. Afterward Pierroth challenges them to another match. Universo accepts.
A promo with Dos Caras Jr. airs he says he greets everyone and hopes everyone turns out to to support and welcome him in his debut at Arena Mexico.
And that wrapped up this week's Lucha Libre show. Have a good week, I can be reached at

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