Friday, February 2, 2007

CMLL/AAA Galavision for Nov 27, 2004

Galavision Lucha Libre TV Report
For the show that aired on Nov. 27th, 2004.
CMLL came in at 1hr/05mins. AAA came in at .55 mins.

Atlantis opens the show welcoming all his young fans,to the best lucha libre in the world.

Mascarita Sagrada, Tzuki, Shockercito vs Pierrothtito,Fire, & Espectrito.

1st Fall: First time in several years, CMLL hasfeatured mini's. However this match was very short.Good fast action while it lasted. Sagrada does aplancha to Espectrito outside. Shockercito and Tzukido moonsaults to Fire and Pierrothtito and pin themrespectively. Less than a minute.

2nd Fall: The mini rudos deliver a mini beat down tothe mini tecnicos. Fire submits Shockercito.Espectrito submits Sagrada. Likewise less than aminute. 3rd Fall: The mini rudos toss around Tzuki as the minibeat down continues for a while. Fire gets Sagradainto a sharpshooter but Tzuki saves him. Shockercitosubmits Fire to a backbreaker. Shockercito does a 619to Pierrothtito then a huricanrana, then a tope to theto the outside. Sagrada pins Espectrito with a roll upto win this match for the mini tecnicos.

Momentos Estrelares: Starman does a plancha; Brazo DePlata Jr does a moonsault on Ramstein; Texano Jr. doesa power bomb and pin on Sangre Azteca; Neutron does atope on Loco Max; Mephisto and Averno gang up to beatup and pin Volador Jr; Los Dinamites submit Pierroth,but his sons save him and beat them up.

Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Bucanero are addressing agroup they have assembled to combat Shocker's GuapoUniversity students. The GDI hopefuls consist of:Arkangel, Nitro, Sangre Azteca, Coreano, Doctor X, andLoco Max. Ultimo is telling them they can defeatShocker's group and they will destroy them.

Hijo Del Santo, Negro Casas, Atlantis, Mistico vsUltimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Tarzan Boy, & Averno.

1st Fall: Begins as a regular match no beat down, atleast not yet. Mistico does a huricanrana then aflying head scissors to the outside on Ultimo. Santodoes a top rope plancha on Ultimo. Casas does a tope.Atlantis submits Averno to a torture rack backbreaker. Mistico submits Tarzan.

2nd Fall: There was very good action, Mistico provedhe can hang with the big boys. Mistico did a anotherflying head scissors this one to Rey. Now the rudobeat down begins. Ultimo submitted Santo and Misticoto a combination hold together.

3rd Fall: The tecnicos make a comeback and get somerevenge after a while. Rey tried to submit Santo butCasas saved him. Santo and Mistico deliver topes.Atlantis submits Tarzan, but it's not over. As Reyreversed a Casas Majistral attempt and wound uppinning him for the win, as Casas was the captain. Guerreros Del Infierno win. This was a very goodmatch.And that wrapped up CMLL.


They open the show doing a 10 minute long piece on thetown they are in this week.

Juventud Guerrera and Charly Manson are interviewedsaying how much better they are than Zorro andIntocable.

Juventud Guerrera, Charly Manson, Aliens vs Zorro,Intocable, & Nautilus.

1 Fall: They say Nautilus and Aliens are newbies theyhave just recruited. The beat down apparently began inthe back, as Juvie and Charly carry Intocable to thering. And the rudo beat down got underway. Juvie did aguillotine leg drop on Intocable. The the tecs make aquick comeback. Intocable runs Charly into theringpost. Juvie bops Zorro with his own kendo stick.Juvie and Zorro exchange some nice moves. Juvie wasgoing for a moonsault outside, but Zorro jiggled theropes, Juvie fell outside. Nautilus in silver, andAliens in black with spikes on his costume, exchangemoves. Nautilus does a moonsault to him outside.Intocable does a plancha to Charly outside. Juvie andZorro exchange near falls. Juvie low blowed Zorro, butthe ref didn't see it. However Juvie then got thekendo stick and hit the ref Tirantes Sr, missingZorro, and was DQ'd. Tecnicos win.

Chessman is interviewed saying he will tear LatinLover to pieces.

La Fiera, Chessman, Sangre Chicana vs La Parka Jr.,Heavy Metal, & Latin Lover.

1 Fall: The rudo beat down begins right away. Thetecnicos make a comeback and the match settles down.Latin does a plancha to Chessman. Parka does one toChicana. Then Parka gets an armbar on Chicana. Latinenzuigiri's Chessman. Then gets a sharpshooter on him.But just then, Hator hits the ring, armed with a steelchair, and lays out the tecnicos with it. The rudosare DQ'd. And that wrapped up AAA. and this week inlucha libre. I can be reached Have a good week.

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